Notre Commentaire : … mais c’est à Bangkok !
Le Ministre des Transport Thaï veut racheter les terrains et les immeubles autour de l’aéroport pour que personne n’y soit survolé. Le coût pourrait être de 4 milliard d’EUR, mais les terrains acquis pourront être reconvertis en zonings industriels.
Pendant ce temps, à Zaventem, le fils du bourgmestre vend des terrains jusque contre le mur de l’aéroport.
Ni la société privée Brussels Airport Company, ni l’Etat n’en profitent pour créer une zone non aedificandi …
Par contre, la Flandre délivrera bientôt le permis permettant d’agrandir l’aéroport et d’accroître de18% la surface de stationnement des avions sans se soucier du sort des personnes survolées.
Bangkok Post 16 May 2012
The Transport Ministry want to expropriate all areas near airport so that no person will be troubled by aircraft noise. The expropriation of residential communities and land with all types of building structures could cost about 160 billion baht, Minister said. He met residents whose houses are affected by NEF (noise exposure forecast) levels of more of more than 40 and between 30 and 40. These levels may damage hearing. He said the State should help people by buying land from them, or offering compensation. However, in terms of economy, it make more sense to expropriate all areas. He said expropriations would be a worthwhile investment. The land could be developed commercially later. There are 646 buildings in the area with NEF levels of more than 40. The government has already bought 136, according to a source at airports of Thailand. A spokesman for residents near the airport said expropriation on the scale proposed would cost too much.